
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Throwback Thursday: More on the St. Helen's unicycle team

My first Throwback Thursday post featured a photo of St. Helen's unicycle team, and I asked readers to provide any information they could about the people in the photo or the unicycle team in general, as no photo caption was with the photo in our archive.

I received an email from Nancy Winters, who was a member of the team from 1969 to 1974. She said the original photo I published was likely taken in the late 1970s or early 1980s because "the boys are wearing their hair longer than Fr. Moran would allow and the girls shorts are shorter than he would permit as well."

I told Nancy I would scan the additional photo, and here it is:

I am so impressed with how these kids got onto those unicycles and then were able to keep their balance! My lack of balance wouldn't have kept me on the unicycle team (or a unicycle in general) for very long.

A reunion for members of the unicycle team and other St. Helen's grads is planned for May 18 at Berkshire Hills Country Club. Check out the Facebook event page St. Helen Reunion Grads and Unicyclists 1965-1985 for more information. The page includes some videos of the unicyclists, which are definitely worth checking out.

-- Cheryl Sadler | | @nhcheryl

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